Saturday 9 July 2011

Goodbye Quarter 2

8.45 p.m
Malaysia Vs Taipei 3 - 2
ber YM with Mr Right No Wrong
bersemangat betul dier tengok Bola
smpi muntah2..

Goodbye 2nd Quarter, Welcome 3rd Quarter~!

2nd Quarter penuh kisah suka duka

I was eppy when Ryan propose me a new role as an AR!
bukan role idaman pon! sbb Yam still x taw nak jadi ape dlm IBM tu.
back ground yam as pure accounting graduate.
what u expect me to do in customer fulfillment kan?
mesti la nak ade related to Accounting.
so I choose AR since situ yg ade. 
nape x move kat accounting je??
perghhhh...takuttt...maybe x de life kot!
At least, ade gak terpk one day jadi AR manager ke..
mule2 jadi Credit check, pastu AR, pastu analyst ke, 
once sume role related to AR in hand, leh jadi manager kan?
pejam mata je time tu..coz i know inside out the role.

mase mule2 buat AR ni, excited gile! 
even x taw ape mende keje dier.
i take the challenge.
sonok buat AR ni, bile meeting customer. bile customer bayar. 
bile leh solve problem.
yg x best nye, bile jumpe customer, email kat opis dah bertimbun.
bile customer ade masalah nak bayar, bile invoice problem.
bile customer x puas ati. bile dpt masalah pastu x reti nak solve.
sgt x best. lagi x best bile org gaduh ngan kite smpi kite nanges.

I was so thanksful to have AR lead yg x penah lokek share ilmu.
yg x penah penat guide yam bile x reti buat ape2.

n I hope this 3rd Quarter, I can stand at my own. 
n do the best i can be. 

Bulan 6 lepas, Yam renew contract FTH. gaji naik la RM100. tp dapat bulan 7 ni together with Bonus.
Alhamdulillah. This 1 August plak, Teo convertkan yam jadi Regular plak
Gaji pon leh tahan..leh la kasi makan anak bini. hopefully, berkat la rejeki yg Yam terima.

cam x caye je, mampu bertahan keje kat IBM ni slame 3 tahun. org len dok sibuk berenti bagai..x tahan kata nye.
antaranya Yam la gak..sebulan keje..dah x tahan..
pstu nak berenti..tiap ujung bulan yam target nak berenti..
tp smpi arini elok je keje..ahaha

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